Summer is in Full Swing...
And we are enjoying every crazy, busy minute of it! I am not sure about you, but our Summer schedule is relaxed and busy at the same time. We are having lots of movie nights and enjoying the long days of summer daylight. We are having more lazy mornings and sleeping in. July brings night time swims in our backyard or Marshall Street Pool and rollerskating at MLK park on Friday nights. My favorite is Summer Concerts! My hubby and I have a good line up of shows this Summer, well, I think so. I am dragging him to Counting Crows...They are a bucket list show of mine. But, so are John Legend and Cypress Hill with the SD Symphony (mixed genre is my JAM!!)
July also brings SUNSHINE! well, until this monsoonal thing rolled in this past weekend. Rain at the beach anyone? I also somehow was eaten alive by some ninja mosquitios I never saw, but have so many bites that ITCH so badly. Does humidity bring mosquitos??
Summer surf is my kind of surf. I will ride those ankle slappers all day long! I am to determined to get out this Summer more than once a week.
So many pool parties and beach days! Summer camps are filling our days and keeping the kiddos busy. They are enjoying new experiences and meeting new friends. My oldest participated in the Star Theater's Summer Camp this month and loved it!
Summer has brought the 7th annual South O Ghetto Art Show, which I was so happy to be able to participate. I met other amazing artists in our awesome community of Oceanside. And the featured artists from Kabod Art Studio were so talented. It was a great event.
My photo was featured on Click Community's May/June blog, which I was so excited to be named with some other awesome photographers. You can check that out here!
I am also excited to announce that I will be at the Oceanside Artwalk first Friday event on August 4,2023 from 4-8 pm selling my prints and other art work. So please stop by and say hello and buy some art! There will be many other talented local artists, so if you don't buy art from me, buy art from them. It is a fun Summer event in our City. If you are interested here is the link.
I hope you are enjoying your Summer! Less than a month until school starts again!
Shout outs to the folks and organizations that are making our Summer awesome!
Oceanside Rollerskating follow them at oceanside_rollerskating on Instagram