October has arrived and Fall Festivities are in full swing.
I cannot believe we are approaching Halloween! 2024 has flown by. October is my favorite month. I love the sunsets here in Oside in the Fall and Winter. The fog is a nice touch, but I can't surf if I can't see. I also get sad if I can't see the sunset for to many days; so as festive as the fog is, I would like it to go away now. All things pumpkin spice make me smile, so I have stocked up on all of Trader Joe's pumpkin goodies. Maybe you have too!
One of my kiddos has an October birthday, so we kick off October celebrating her birthday. I have my kids choose an adventure or a party to celebrate. My Libra child always chooses Great Wolf Lodge. Have you been here? It is Las Vegas for kids. There is a dance party, story time, holiday activities, yoga, magi quest (which is basically D&D on steroids), and a 24 hour arcade. There are some perks for the adults too. The main attraction is the indoor water park. Where we as parents stand out in all our mom and dad bod glory to ride water slides with our kiddos. As I was standing watching my birthday girl run around the main water structure waiting for the giant water bucket to dump, I was observing all of the parents. I was watching parents and kids going from place to place. Some of us looked comfortable and some of us did not. I mean not all of us are comfortable running around in our bathing suits. As I was watching, I was thinking. This time is short. We only get so much time with our kids as kids. The magical time where everything is exciting, they love you so much, and you are the center of their universe. They will grow and be on to other things, other interests,and other adventures. There will be a last time that I will stand under a bucket that dumps thousands of gallons of recycled water over our heads while I scream with my child with delight. There will be a day where they outgrow howling with the wolf every 10 minutes. There will be a day they do not want to be seen with us, especially in our bathing suits. Our family is approaching that time, I think we only have a visit or two left until we grow out of Great Wolf Lodge, and we are on to the next thing. It is exciting and sad. So enjoy your time, even if it means being a little uncomfortable, they are memories they will remember. And don't question how much chlorine is in the water at Great Wolf Lodge, it is there for a reason. Some things are just better if we don't know. It is all in the name of fun and family memories. We have probably done worse, disgusting, things in our young life. Parenthood is a little messy also, just roll with it.
My older child has found a sport she loves. She is into Jiu Jitsu. She started competing about 7 months ago and she is thriving. She has several mentors in her coaches. What I love about her gym is there are several strong female athletes who coach her. Her male coaches are respectful and talented. They see their female counter parts as the amazing athletes they are. They see the potential and talent in the person they see. I think it is a great place to become an athlete and learn some pretty good life skills. She has gravitated towards one of her coaches and they have created a bond. I love this, but as a mom, I have to let go of her a little bit. At some point I will let go of her to be her own person and fly. But, taking flight is starting now by allowing other amazing adults who are not in her family guide her too. Not just through the sport, but life also. Sometimes it is hard to let go, but it is necessary.
For example, over the summer she got promoted to a grey belt. I was so proud of her and her hard work. After the ceremony, she walked directly to her coach and gave her a big hug. My mommy heart broke a little bit. I am no longer at the center. There are other people in her life, the life and journey she is building. She did find me and give me a hug too. She's a good kid and loves her family, but she is branching out. And I believe parents are not everything, they are a large part, but it takes a village. She is building her little life, her coaches are good people. They are safe people. I trust them. They can teach her things I cannot. It will not be the last time. It was just the first time. It is bittersweet. More bitter because my selfish mommy side wants to hang on to her. That is not realistic or healthy. I want my children to thrive. This sometimes means letting others into their universe and you are not always the center. It is hard to do and it hurts your heart sometimes. And that is okay.
And with that, I am going to head out and paddle in the surf before it gets to late. And I have made the decision to hand out full size candy bars this year! So if your are strolling around South O this Halloween maybe we will see you around!
Trick Or Treat OSIDE!